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Recognition of a Child

My friends, this is a happy and significant occasion which brings us together. Like Mary and Hannah of old, you have brought your child _________here today to present him or her to the Lord. You have heard the invitation of the Master: "Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven."

The mystery and wonder of this new life have brought you to stand reverently and thoughtfully before the Father of all life and have given you a new and compelling message of the dignity of life and the obligation of parenthood.

The purpose of this service is to help you, as a parent and God-parent, to appreciate your obligation so to train your child _________in the teachings of the Lord, that when he or she shall come to the age of responsibility he or she will most naturally turn from the wrong to the right and accept Jesus Christ into his or her life.

God has a purpose for this child's life. To find that purpose and to live it out fully will mean success; to refuse or ignore it will mean failure no matter how much worldly acclaim may come. It is your privilege and duty to guide your child in such a way as to be aware of everything life has to offer, right or wrong and to know the difference between the two.

In accordance with the purpose for which you have come, will you respond to the following covenant:

Do you now present your child _________before God, in solemn dedication?

Parents and God-parents - We do.

Do you consecrate yourselves as parents and God-parents to bring up your child __________with respect for the Lord?

Parents and God-parents - We do.

Do you promise to instruct your child ___________in the teachings of Jesus Christ, and in the practice of prayer, and to guide him or her in the development of a Christlike character?

Parents and God-parents- We do.

Do you promise to try to the best of your ability so to shape the home life of your child___________, both by family devotions and by your words and your example?

Parents and God-parents - We do.

In as much as both parents and God-parents have promised before God and these people to dedicate their child _________to God and yourselves to the task of rearing him or her for God, I charge both parents and God-parents to address yourselves faithfully to this sacred obligation, with wisdom, patience and devotion; and to this end may the blessing of God rest upon you.


Last Updated: April 14, 2006